Thursday, January 9, 2014

Some Observances...

Well Chris is too busy actually working to post about working, so it is me again! First of all...Jazzy comes home in 2 MORE DAYS!!! So excited to see her and to show her all around campus. We need to pick her up some dog food. We are used to getting the 50Lb bag from Costco, but there are 2 problems with that 1. no Costco. 2. no transportation. We did get a rollycart which helps with the groceries. See...
But we will just need to pick up smaller bags of dog food, more often.

Our refrigerator arrived a few days ago. The delivery men wore flip flops so they could quickly take them off before entering our home. We have ordered a washer and dryer to be delivered today. We knew we wanted something cheap and used, so I did a lot of searching with some luck, but no solid leads. Until...I found Ms. Nellie. 
Ms. Nellie owns a used furniture shop in the Geylang District of SG. 
It was my first trip to Geylang and it took me about 1 hour via MRT (mass rapid transit) and cost me 96cents in SD (sing dollars) which is equivalent to about 80 cents USD. Ms. Nellie was clipping her toenails when I arrived, but quickly attended to me! I bought a washer and a dryer for 430 SD (338 USD) including delivery and a short warranty period. 
The Geylang district was nice. I saw a lot of what I assumed to be Buddhist temples, but there were so many I began thinking they were entrances to people's homes! Still not sure, can anyone read this sign and enlighten me? (UPDATE- per Geoff, this is a Buddhist Temple. Thanks!)
I also saw a lot of Hindu statues around with incense burning everywhere. I still have a lot to learn about all the different cultures and religions here. Singapore is such a diverse place and I look forward to learning more and soaking it all in! Please forgive me and take no offense if I mistake or confuse the insignia and feel free to correct me in the comments section! 

Were the coconut milks offerings for the elephants? or just well placed drinks? 

I stopped at Ikea on the way home for a few bath mats, a lamp, extension cords and coffee. Ikea is the ONLY place we have found that sells real coffee. Everywhere else it is instant Nescafe, or a coffee mixture (coffee, sugar, hydrogenated oil, yuck!). 
I am sure there are many specialty stores that sell real coffee, we just haven't found them yet. When my Keurig arrives in the cargo I will have to find a k-cup supplier. Definitely haven't seen those around. 
After Ikea, Chris and I went for a swim in the campus pool. It is so nice to walk 2 minutes to the pool and be able to walk home in our suits. We plan on swimming regularly for exercise. Chris is teaching me a proper swim stroke. He is a great teacher! 
NTU pool- so refreshing!
Until next time.... xoxo


  1. Loving the updates. Can't wait to see photos of when you are reunited with Jazzy.

  2. The sign on the Buddhist temple says something about a Sounds of the Sea Temple or something. You should get an app on your phone that interfaces with your camera to translate Chinese characters into English. I pointed my phone at your picture and it translated it as best it could :)

  3. That is a great idea Geoffrey!

  4. Once you find a coffee shop, you should definitely try Vietnamese coffee. It is the best I have ever had and no embargo there.
